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6月5日:冶金大讲堂----Thermal Performance of Materials in Energy Applications

发布日期:2018-06-01    作者:     来源:     点击:

65日:冶金大讲堂----Thermal Performance of Materials in Energy Applications


报告题目:Thermal performance of materials in energy applications

报告时间:605 14:30



Material thermophysical properties are important for the design and development of advanced nuclear energy systems. Nuclear fuels and materials, for instance, undergo significant microstructure and property changes in the harsh reactor environment. The understanding of property degradation due to neutron irradiation relies on experimental capabilities to determine material properties at different length scales. This talk will present experimental techniques based on thermal wave excitation, specifically the laser photothermal reflectance method, to determine thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity. They can be used to measure properties of thin films or bulk material with surface lateral length of tens of micrometers, which is important for measuring thermal resistance of interfaces and ion irradiated samples. The talk will also introduce methods for determining grain boundary interface resistance of irradiated samples. The research provides not only thermal property data for the basic understanding of irradiation effect, but also tools for post irradiation examination in hot cells.


BAN HENG为匹兹堡大学终身教授,我校“巴渝海外引智计划”特聘专家,主要从事核电材料热物性研究,核电材料辐照前后热物性测量技术的开发,以及热物性在可再生能源、半导体、生物和空间材料中的应用。

在核电材料热物性方面做出了有影响的贡献。主持了美国能源部和美国核管会资助的 1000多万美元(项目负责人)和参与了 200多万美元(项目合作人)的研究项目。并在有影响力的国际刊物上发表了70多篇学术论文,另外还有100多篇国际及美国国内会议学术论文,6项美国专利和10多篇美国美国能源部报告,被选为美国核学会材料科学与技术分会主席,美国机械工程学会传热热物性分会主席,国际导热与热膨胀大会董事会会士,并多次担任美国能源部和美国核管会的项目评审人。

主办单位:冶金与材料工程学院       发布单位:科研处