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12月22日:“巴渝海外引智计划”教授讲座- Fuzzy Systems in Intelligent Decision Support

发布日期:2017-12-18    作者:     来源:     点击:

12月22日:“巴渝海外引智计划”教授讲座- Fuzzy Systems in Intelligent Decision Support

主讲:Qiang Shen教授

报告题目:Fuzzy Systems in Intelligent Decision Support


报告地点:逸夫科技大楼I 413-3


Qiang Shen教授是英国皇家威尔士科学院院士、英国国家学术科研综合评估委员会委员(全英所有36个学科评委会中仅有的俩位华人评委之一)、英国计算智能指导委员会主席。是英国Aberystwyth大学校执行委员会委员;是数学、物理和计算机学院院长,首席教授。是数篇国际顶级学术期刊副主编或编委,众多国际学术会议主席、副主席,40余次国际学术会议特邀大会主题报告人。曾任爱丁堡大学信息学院教学主任(既分管教学的副院长)、阿伯里斯特威斯大学计算机系主任。2012年伦敦奥运会代表计算机界为纪念计算机科学与人工智能的创始人阿伦图灵诞辰一百周年的火炬手。主持领导过近40项重大科研项目,培养了50余位博士、博士后(含全英最佳博士论文获得者1名)。发表专著2部、论文350余篇(其中1篇获IEEE最佳期刊论文奖及多篇国际顶级学术会议最佳论文奖)。


Solving complex real-world problems typically requires intelligent decision-making. This usually involves the analysis of a large volume of vague and indiscernible information. For example, intelligence experts have commented that failures in detection of terrorist activity are often due to the difficulty in relating and interpreting the available intelligence, rather than a lack of data. Whilst experienced analysts can suggest plausible scenarios, the sheer amount of possibly relevant data may not be humanly interpretable in a given time-frame. Hypothetical (re-)construction of the events that may have generated the intelligence data, therefore, presents an interesting and significant research topic.

This talk will present a fuzzy system-based framework for the development of intelligent decision support systems under uncertain environments. This helps to assist (but not to replace) intelligence analysts by: 1) identifying plausible scenarios of criminal or terrorist activity, and 2) assessing the reliability, risk and urgency of generated hypotheses. In particular, the talk will introduce an integrated use of a number of recent advances in fuzzy systems for the monitoring and interpretation of intelligence data. The work offers an effective means for the generation and assessment of plausible scenarios, facilitating potentially rapid response in devising and deploying preventive measures. The talk will conclude with an outline of opportunities for further development.

主办单位:电气与信息工程学院 发布单位:科研处